Wednesday, May 30, 2012

REVIEW: Her Panties In His Mouth by Livia Combs

I absolutely adore the protagonist of Livia Combs' erotic short story, Her Panties In His Mouth!  From the get-go, this reader identified with Felicia, the protagonist.  Who hasn’t preened in front of a mirror and let their mind wander over the effect one’s carefully chosen date-wear will have on one’s date?  Yum, yum, yum.  The joy in anticipation of a hot date is second only to the joy of a truly hot date itself!

Felicia is game and adventurous, and unreservedly in love with Blake.  And she is devoted—totally devoted.  Ms. Combs’ erotic short story opens with Felicia drinking in her wardrobe transformation from businessperson to vixen—delightful.  While Felicia reviews her attire in the mirror, we don’t get any sense of vanity or ego, but instead we gain valuable insights to what makes Felicia tick, what she enjoys, her life’s creed, and how much she loves Blake.  Felicia shivers with anticipation, and the scene brought me back to my own “mirror moments” where anticipation had made me shiver, and I shivered along with Felicia.

Felicia has a lot of qualities to admire, and chief among them is her refusal to be a shrinking violet or a victim.  This woman knows how to seize the bull by the horns.  No reader will fail to admire Felicia by the end of the story.  We know from the first paragraph that Felicia is a cauldron of erotic embers, and when the right ill wind kindles the flames, Felicia is transformed into a bonfire of eroticism.

Felicia’s transformation from sex-kitten to Sexual Fury is credible and engaging.  In the process, we gain a little insight into Blake’s mind, too—just the right amount to keep the story human and enticing.

So few erotica stories are about birth, almost none, in fact.  However, Livia Combs’ erotic short story, Her Panties In His Mouth, is concerned entirely with a birth—the birth of a new stage of a relationship.  So many of these types of BDSM stories involve preparations, both material and mental, that it is refreshing to ride along with Felicia as she improvises on the fly.  And what a devious improviser she is!

I highly recommend the erotic short story by Livia Combs, Her Panties In His Mouth.  To see it on Amazon, click here.

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